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Finding Silence | Being Mindful

I recently listened to an episode of The Happiness Lab podcast about how our lives are currently filled with noise. This got me thinking about all the noise I encounter day-to-day, and how I never take a few minutes to just appreciate silence.

During the Happiness Lab interview, the host and guest discussed how reducing the noise, both visual and audio, that we experience can be so beneficial to us. After hearing these discussions, I decided I would try to incorporate more silence into each day, and to do so mindfully.

Usually on my way to class or browsing through the aisles of the grocery shop on my way home, I would have my headphones in and listen to a podcast or audiobook. But, I decided I would use these daily walks to and from where I was going to just experience the fresh air and be present instead of constantly trying to multitask.

It may not seem like much, but the first time I actively decided to be mindful on my journey going somewhere, it was like a breath of fresh air. I noticed plants that weren’t there before, I heard the chirps of birds that were usually blocked out by my noise-cancelling earbuds. It was a moment of not worrying about the future or keeping track of to do lists, but simply being in the moment, and it was wonderful.

Since that first mindful mosey, as I will be calling it from now on, I have taken steps each day to incorporate noise cancelling into my days, whether it’s sitting outside and just noticing the fresh air, or sitting in silent meditation for a few minutes. I’ve noticed a significant improvement in my stress levels and in my overall mood. This is now a practice I intend to continue and to build upon each day.

The point of all this is to encourage you to incorporate silence into your daily life. Believe me, it makes a difference.

If you’re interested in listening to the Happiness Lab episode that inspired this journey of silence for me, you can find it on Apple Podcasts here.

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